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TIME MANAGEMENT AT SCHOOL (balancing your work, extracurriculars, and social life!)

Aanya Sheth

With all of your classes at school and extracurricular activities, it can be difficult to factor in your social life as well. In fact, managing your homework for each subject can sometimes seem to be an impossible task. The only way to fix this issue is by using time management. However, I've discovered that this is easier said than done. Setting specific deadlines can be hard to follow, and everyone is bound to be distracted from their work once in a while.

Especially in higher grade levels, assignments and assessments can put a lot of stress on you. It can be easy to forget that there is a world outside your tasks at school and that taking a break from your studies can be good for you. After learning how to utilize your time productively, you will find that your daily routine is easier to accomplish. This post shares my favorite tips and tricks for time management!


If you are a student who falls into the perfectionist or over-achiever category, it can be difficult to let go of that mindset. You may feel that every individual assignment has to be 100% perfect for you to get the grade you desire. However, that's not always the case. For some assignments, it may be necessary for you to thoroughly read all of the material to ace the exam. But for others, you don't have to go the extra mile to get the grade.

Instead of spending hours on a single task, think about your day as a whole. How many assignments do you have? How long will it take you to complete each one? If your day consists of four projects you must complete, you may not want to reach above and beyond. By the time you complete the first and second projects, you may be exhausted or too stressed to finish the others as effectively. To put this into perspective, let's say you had to study for a major math test and complete a social studies presentation. Instead of taking your time to design the presentation and make it look appealing, you can spend that extra time studying for your math test. Next time you begin your homework, consider which assignments require your best effort and which do not.


The Pomodoro Technique consists of five simple steps. I find that this technique is highly effective when it comes to very busy days. The steps are the following:

  1. Decide what task you want to accomplish.

  2. Work for 25 minutes.

  3. Take a 5-minute break.

  4. Repeat this 4 times.

  5. After repeating this cycle 4 times, take a 30-minute break.

By using this technique, you are guaranteed to complete the task at hand. I recommend setting a timer during each step, especially during the breaks to prevent becoming distracted. If the particular time limits set by the Pomodoro Technique do not work for you, you can adjust them to your liking for optimal study time. Make sure to stay off your phone to keep yourself motivated. I have utilized this method multiple times, and it has become a fast favorite as it helps with concentration and blocking out distracting outside factors.


Utilizing planning methods is the most important way to improve your time management skills, primarily because it can be approached in so many ways. There are many planning methods you can use to organize your tasks and your mindset. My most recommended method is to schedule your tasks. Create a to-do list for every day. Include deadlines for when important assignments are due, dates for tests and quizzes, and times you would like to get everything done. I also recommend using platforms such as Notion or Google Notes to keep everything organized and in one place.

Planning methods also help you prioritize your tasks. List your assignments from most important to least important so you can complete everything within the time limit. I use Notion in my everyday life to visualize what and when I need to get things done. The platform puts the calendar and deadlines in perspective for me. If you do not already have a planning method that works for you, check out my next post on my complete guide to Notion and how it has helped me as a student.

On that note, this brings an end to my tips on time management skills for students. Time management is the most effective strategy to learn if you are willing to succeed in school. If you implement these methods into your everyday life, you will be managing your time like a professional in no time at all!

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